Saturday, June 7, 2008

El Paso Invitational 6/21

Hello! I just received information for the El Paso Invitational held on Saturday, 6/21. Sorry for the short notice, but the information was mailed to me on 6/4 and the deadline for entries is 6/13. So, I will need to know the following from each swimmer by Wednesday, 6/11 at 12:00!

1. Will your swimmer attend the meet?
You need to reply if you will NOT attend the meet. The Lexington Park District pays for each swimmer to swim and the cost is $16 for 4 events. If you do not let me know that you are not swimming or if you say you are swimming and do not show up, you will have to pay the $16 to the Park District.

2. Do you want to purchase a t-shirt for $10?

El Paso is offering meet t-shirts for a cost of $10 per swimmer. The Park District does not pay for this. You need to get a check made payable to El Paso Recreation for $10 by Wednesday, 6/11 at 12:00!

3. What time will you volunteer to time a lane?
We need a total of 12 timers - 2 each hour:
9:00-10:00, 10:00-11:00, 11:00-end, beginning-2:00, 2:00-3:00, 3:00-4:00

Right now the following are NOT attending:
Jack, Noah, Annika, Amanda, Katie P, Lia, Erin, Courtney T, Kayleigh, Rachel, Bridget, Leslie

El Paso Invitational Information:
Meet is Saturday, 6/21 at South Pointe Pool in El Paso.
New this year - 19 and older events!
Clif and Katie will determine what events your swimmer will swim!
10& Under
8:00-8:45 warm-ups
9:00 meet starts
11& Older
12:30 warm-ups (approximate)
meet to follow

If you have any questions, please let me, Clif, or Katie know. Thanks!

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