Thursday, May 28, 2009

Swim Team Volunteers

Hello! First off - Swim Practice starts THURSDAY, JUNE 4 at 9:30, 10:15, and 11:00! Swimmers will swim Thursday and Friday next week and then Monday-Friday the following weeks. If you have questions about practice times, please let me or Katie know.

Second, please contact Ginnie Hilt at to volunteer for the home swim meets. Here is the volunteer information:

Hello Lexington Swim Team Parents- Again I have taken on the role of the Volunteer Coordinator for the 2009 swim team season. You will need to volunteer 2 times for each swimmer that you have swimming in order to get your volunteer deposit back. Here are the swim meets we have at Lexington this year you can choose from:

June 9- Practice/Fun Meet
June 11- Gridley at Lexington
June 18- ElPaso at Lexington
June 30- Dwight/Colfax at Lexington
July 7 - Pontiac at Lexington
July 9- Morton at Lexington
July 11- everyone will probably have to help somewhere for the Lexington Invitational so we don't normally count this one.

Here are the open positions for each meet:
12 Timers
2 Ribbon People
2-4 Runners
2 Bullpen
3 Lane Judges

Please let me know if you have an idea of what you might like to do and at what meet and I will start filling the openings and then let you know what we have open as it gets closer to each meet. I will also try to bring them to practices to catch all parents and the meets if there are still openings. If you have any questions feel free to contact me: or (309)365-8659

Thanks-Ginnie Hilt

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Swim Team Practices and More

Hi! Here is some (a lot of) swim team information to keep you up to date! As always, please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!

Final Schedule: Please review the attachment.

Sign-Ups: We are up to 73 swimmers...but we could use more (especially boys and high school age swimmers)! Tell all of your friends it's not too late to sign up! Also, we are waiting to hear from the following potential swimmers: Aaron B, Nick Barkes, Dean W, Ashton S, Ashley S

July 11 Lexington Invitational: We need help with the following. Please let me know if you can help out!!!
  • Facilities - ?
  • Sponsors/Donations - ?

We have the following covered:

  • Officials - Laura Williamson
  • Computer - Tammy Baker
  • Volunteers - Ginnie Hilt
  • Awards - Gina Lingle
  • Concessions - Anne Fiero
  • Swim Team Shop - Jill Mohr
  • T-Shirts - Jenn Ebker
  • Bull-Pen - Rita Grunloh

Team Pictures: Tuesday, July 7th at 5:00!

Volunteers: Each parent needs to volunteer at least 2x per swimmer at the home swim meets. Once you volunteer, you will receive your deposit check back! Ginnie Hilt is coordinating the volunteers for all home swim meets. You will receive an email from Ginnie soon or you can contact her at

Absences: Can you please respond with any dates you know in advance that your swimmer cannot attend.

Concession Sign-Ups: There will be a concession sign-up sheet coming soon - we will need parents to donate food, drinks, snacks, treats, etc. for each home meet! Look for this to come soon!

For Sale: Yard Signs and Car Decals. Mark Pritchard has personalized yard signs for the swimmers. The signs read Lexington Lakers with a picture of a swimmer, and your swimmer(s) names. The cost is $20 and these need to be ordered. There are also Lexington Lakers Swim Team Car Decals - white is $3 and purple is $5. These are in stock. Please contact Tammy if you want to purchase.

Practice Schedule:

1. Lauren
2. Riley
3. Erin
4. Robin
5. Hayley
6. Kaina
7. Toria
8. Rylie
9. Megan
10. Gabby
11. Talli
12. Kassidy
13. Ashleigh
14. Taylor
15. Abbie
16. Lia
17. Courtney
18. Caleb
19. Jack
20. Noah
21. Kale
22. Tommy
23. Devin
24. Andrew

1. Mallory
2. Emma
3. Reagan
4. Lindsey
5. Madison
6. Annika
7. Tia
8. Tessa
9. Megan
10. Kayleigh
11. Sophie
12. Layken
13. Gracy
14. Raylee
15. Camryn
16. Jessica
17. Leslie
18. Megan
19. Faith
20. Tyler
21. Barin
22. Grant
23. Jack
24. Alex
25. Anthony

1. Jessica
2. Danielle
3. Morgan
4. Courtney
5. Kelly
6. Taler
7. Kasey
8. Mariah
9. Whitney
10. Katie
11. Bridget
12. Sydney
13. Kelsey
14. Amanda
15. Bridgette
16. Hunter
17. Connor
18. Brennan
19. Connor
20. Ted
21. Kolten
22. Zack
23. Johnny
24. Ben

Please Note:

  • This year practice times will not be adjusted for other activities (summer camps, VBS, etc.). If your swimmer cannot make the scheduled time slot because of other commitments, they are welcome to swim at another time slot during that week.
  • Swimmers can move up time slots depending on work/improvement at any time. Talk to Katie prior to switching time slots.
  • With three practices, each lane will have only 3-4 swimmers which will provide better instruction and more time doing stroke work.

If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know. Thanks again!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Swim Team Practices

Hi! Summer is almost here - our first practice/fun meet is only 25 days away!
  • Please let me know if you would like to receive this email at a different email address or at an additional email address or if you are not swimming this year.
  • If you know of anyone (especially high school age and boys) interested in swimming, please let me know. We are very flexible if you will be traveling or playing other sports. We just ask that you try to attend as many practices and meets as you can!
  • The pool is scheduled to open June 6. We would like to start practice earlier in that week on June 3, 4, or 5. We will keep you posted.
  • We are still looking at how to divide up the practice times, but it looks like it will be similar to the following:
  • 9:30-10:15 - middle and experienced group
  • 10:15-11:00 - young and/or 1st year group
  • 11:00-12:00 - oldest and most experienced group
  • If your child is in a school sports camp, VBS, etc., it is ok to attend a different practice time or come for part of a practice that week. We will NOT be able to adjust practice times to accommodate other activities.
  • New this year - we will plan to meet at the pool for away meets so that we can carpool and make sure everyone has a ride. More info to come!
  • I have attached a copy of the roster (what we have so far) for you to review if you are in need of a carpool, ride, summer sitter, etc. Please don't share this information. It is strictly for swim team use.
  • Please review the roster for accuracy and send me any corrections!

The following are swimmers that I think might be possibly swimming (it's not too late!) However, I still need a registration form and money from you (registration form is attached for you to complete):

Aaron B, Payton H, Connor P, Nick B, Dean W, Chuck W

Britan A, Morgan A, Emma B, Lauren B, Hannah B, Erin D, Courtney T, Taler H, Maggie H, Katie C, Taylor L, Amanda P, Bridget S, Darcy S, Morgann S

Please let me know if you have any questions!