Thursday, April 26, 2012

Swim Team Information 4/26/12

Registration:  If you still want to register for swim team, but haven't completed a registration form, please let me know and we can make arrangements.  If you are not interested in swim team this year and want to be removed from this list, please let me know that as well.

Swim Suits:  If you are purchasing a new swim suit for this season, you will need to order online or in person at The Lifeguard Store.  You can order online and pay $6.75 and have your order shipped to you.  Or if you want to order online and pick up your order, you can select the $6.75 shipping, then call The Lifeguard Store and they will refund the shipping charges to you.

The Lifeguard Store
2012 W. College Ave.
Normal, IL 61761

Volunteering:  Each family is asked to volunteer at a home swim meet. After a family member volunteers two times per swimmer, the $35 deposit check will be returned. The jobs are easy and give you a front row seat to all of the action at a swim meet.

Please let me know if you have any questions.  Thanks!

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