Hello! First off - Swim Practice starts THURSDAY, JUNE 4 at 9:30, 10:15, and 11:00! Swimmers will swim Thursday and Friday next week and then Monday-Friday the following weeks. If you have questions about practice times, please let me or Katie know.
Second, please contact Ginnie Hilt at ginniehilt@hotmail.com to volunteer for the home swim meets. Here is the volunteer information:
Hello Lexington Swim Team Parents- Again I have taken on the role of the Volunteer Coordinator for the 2009 swim team season. You will need to volunteer 2 times for each swimmer that you have swimming in order to get your volunteer deposit back. Here are the swim meets we have at Lexington this year you can choose from:
June 9- Practice/Fun Meet
June 11- Gridley at Lexington
June 18- ElPaso at Lexington
June 30- Dwight/Colfax at Lexington
July 7 - Pontiac at Lexington
July 9- Morton at Lexington
July 11- everyone will probably have to help somewhere for the Lexington Invitational so we don't normally count this one.
Here are the open positions for each meet:
12 Timers
2 Ribbon People
2-4 Runners
2 Bullpen
3 Lane Judges
Please let me know if you have an idea of what you might like to do and at what meet and I will start filling the openings and then let you know what we have open as it gets closer to each meet. I will also try to bring them to practices to catch all parents and the meets if there are still openings. If you have any questions feel free to contact me: ginniehilt@hotmail.com or (309)365-8659
Thanks-Ginnie Hilt
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